
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stay Positive

With a new week comes a fresh start and a clean slate. You may be looking at the upcoming week as full of things to do and places to go and wonder how you are going to fit it all in. You may be in school and have a huge test this week in a class that you aren't that confident about or you may have had a bad week last week and be afraid that this week will be no better. I know how all of these situations feel and have experienced each of them at one time or another and sometimes all at once. So if these apply to you, take a deep breath and take it day by day.
If there's one thing I've learned recently it's that if you have a hectic schedule coming up or something that your stressing about, you HAVE to force yourself to go day by day and tackle each thing as it comes. If you don't and you're stressed about how stressful something coming up might be, it will make everything else difficult, even the things that really shouldn't be. I know for some people this may sound impossible, I thought the same thing, but if you start to do this, you will realize, just as I did, that it's all you can do. So if you are stressing about something that is happening on Thursday, try to just focus on Monday, or even today. Block that out of your mind and tell yourself that you will deal with it when you need to and that you are not going to let that ruin everything else. Don't let the stress of things ruin your whole week, push it to the side and take control, step by step, day by day. Hope everyone has a good week! Xx

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