Hi lovely readers! Today's post is the first of it's kind and hopefully not the last. I want to think of these posts as an open journal all about "college life", both for me and for you. I would love this to be a space where we can share advice and experiences to help each other out, as I am sure that many of us have gone through and are going through many of the same things. "Sharing is caring" and I want to use this platform to do just that.
So the topic I want to talk about today is FOMO otherwise known as the "Fear of Missing Out" in relation to focusing on yourself. This may not make sense so let me explain, I feel like for many college students FOMO is ever present and affects the way they live their lives. People feeling like they have to go to this party or join that club because if they don't they're going to be missing out on something, even if they're not actually interested. If this sounds like something you are experiencing, I would like to encourage you to do one thing, think about if what you are doing is because you want to do it or because it is what everyone else is doing. Within the last year, being on my own for the first time, I have become a lot more self aware. I know what I like, what I don't like, situations I am comfortable with, and situations that I am not. I have realized that it can make a world of a difference if you simply focus on yourself and what makes you happy, what you enjoy and are passionate about, rather than just going along with everyone else. I want you lovely lot to know that putting yourself first and not worrying about what other people are doing is okay! In fact it is more than okay, it is a key to one of the sometimes many locks of your own personal happiness. You are the only person who gets to live your life! So why not make it the happiest and the best it can be? Everyone has a different idea of how one should live out their college experience. But you need to live out your own college experience, not someone else's.
I am not a partier, I go to a school where many people are. I don't have a problem with people who are or aren't, you do you and I'll do me. Does everyone else look at others this way? No, I know some people look at me differently because I don't choose to live my life in the stereotypical "college kid" way. They don't understand it because it is different from their "ideal college adventure". "Aren't you afraid of what your missing?" No, quite frankly I'm not, what you are doing isn't appealing to me and I'm happy with what I am doing. In relation to partying specifically, I will say this, just because other people are going out and partying on a Friday night, and you would rather stay in does not make you "lame", "a loser", or a "goody goody". All those things are other people's perceptions and if that's what they want to think than their opinions aren't worth worrying about and they shouldn't care in the first place because it doesn't rock their world one bit. I don't really have FOMO because I know that I am doing what I want to do, living my life how I want to live it! Yes, it can be hard at times and feeling like an outsider may happen, but just step back and think, "If I could mute everyone else's opinions, am I happy with my life right now? Am I enjoying the things that I am doing?" If so then you're on the right track, living for you.
I wanted to share this because I know it can be hard if what you're into or not into is different from what most people around you are. I have been in school for almost a year and a half, and I have just finally met someone last month who has a lot of the same views on things as I do and it's great! Having someone you feel like you can totally relate to makes you feel so much better and way less isolated. So don't give up hope that you're the "only one", you may happen upon someone who feels the exact same way as you, just when you least expect it. I know it sounds cheesy but it literally just happened to me.
I hope this post was beneficial and I'd love to hear your thoughts. That's what I hope these types of posts can be, a space for relating and sharing. Hopefully if you have struggled with similar situations or are currently, the comments can be a place to share advice and tips. Also, if it's not something you want to put out there, my email is up in the contacts or even if you want to DM me on Twitter, please feel free! It may seem a bit odd and I know I'm no expert, but I'd love to be of any help that I can. Have a great week everyone! Xx