Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Everything October | iPhone Snaps

Hiya lovely reader! How has your October been? Mine has been autumnally festive and extremely busy. The leaves have changed, the days and nights are cooler, and my apartment is decked out with pumpkins and purple lights. Pumpkin spice cookies sit atop the counter and cozying up with a blanket at night has become a regular occurrence. Fall is here! 

First weekend of October = decoration shopping

Halloween snack cakes. My flatmate bought these and I hadn't had them in forever! Brought me back to grade school, where my best friend would have a snack cake for every single holiday. I was more of a "Cosmic Brownies" girl myself...

Omelette and toast on a Sunday morning. 

Hard at work on some art. I'm going to do a post on this coming up, but any guesses to who it may be?

Soaking up the sun and nice weather before it gets too cold, also loving my new backpack

Taking part in a lovely event for "Breast Cancer Awareness Month"

All the candy corn. I'm actually not a fan of candy corn or pumpkins but my flatmates are and I like how they look so...

Felt very autumnal in my army green sweater, skinny jeans, and brown chelsea boots. 

Cozy morning called for toast with peach jelly, quiche, and a movie.

What have you been doing this month? Anything autumnal? Xx

Friday, October 23, 2015

Hello | Adele

Hello lovely reader! As you may be aware of, Adele made a little announcement yesterday (ok so that's the understatement of the century, it was huge).

Now, I am a massive fan of Adele, so of course I was overjoyed to see this. There are many reasons why love her, she's stunning, has a great personality (just watch a few interviews with her and you'll see that she's absolutely hilarious), she's class, doesn't take herself or life too seriously, and as this letter confirmed, is quite open and honest. And of course her voice is out of this world, beautiful.

So I was already thrilled with this news, and then I wake up today to a text from my best friend who is equally as much of a fan as I am, that reads "Her makeup is so on point" followed by a link. I click the link and it takes me to the windy, autumnal, monochrome (really more of a sepia) world, filled with the chilling (in a good way) sounds of Adele's beautiful voice telling a story in her new single, "Hello". Also, I agree, her makeup is gorgeous and I want her fuzzy coat!

Hello Adele,
I'm so happy you're back and I find it extremely admirable that you have done this all in your own time. Your letter is filled with things, that I and many others can relate to and I think it has a great message to be shared. I too catch myself "wishing my life away" wanting the future to come, rather than focusing on the present and seeing that you are actually on the journey that you are so desperately searching for. "25 is about getting to know who you've become without realizing" I think everybody, can relate that "life happened" and I cannot wait to here this new album! Xx

Monday, October 19, 2015

"20 Things I Wish I Knew At Age 20" | Repost

Hello lovely reader! Another Monday, another start to the week. I hope you have a good one, my Monday has started out quite well actually. I'm feeling autumnal, loving my lipstick, and the shuttle played some good throwback tunes this morning as well as "Here". I wanted to share a post that I saw last week on the blog "cupcakes and cashmere". I really connected with it and can definitely relate, and I am sure many of you will be able to, whether you are around this age or past it and looking back. I am going to turn 20 this year, so I too am discovering many of these points to be true. I will link the original post below, as I am a only including the parts I connected to the most, but you should read the post in it's entirety!

2. Your taste will change a lot over your 20s. So buy quality classics over quantity. 
There are some trendier items that I remember lusting after as though my life depended on it. Looking back, I can hardly fathom that I’m the same person who once liked that item, so I’m grateful for every instance in which I didn’t purchase said item. Experimenting with self-expression and trying different trends to see what you like is important for honing your personal style, but try to remember that your taste is going to change a lot in your twenties. Forget clothing hauls, and instead save for select pieces that won’t go out of style. A decade later, you’ll be happier to have a few classic workhorses (such as great black pumps and a versatile trench coat), than a rotating closet full of items you can’t believe you liked at one point. This applies to both fashion and home.
4. Learning to make 2-3 basic dishes will save you a lot of money. 
When you have a few simple dinners mastered, you won’t be nearly as tempted to spend three times as much money on ordering Seamless and going out to restaurants out of hangry desperation.
5. Don’t let FOMO dictate your happiness. 
Life is a marathon and there will always be another party, event, concert, and night out. We all experience FOMO, but when you listen to what your body and instincts are telling you (for example, you’re too tired to go out), you end up much happier. People also respect you more when you don’t live your life based on a fear of missing out, and can confidently say no to an invite knowing that your friends will still like you if you stay in with Netflix—because they will.
6. Girlfriend dates are as important as boyfriend dates. 
When people are courting each other they go on dates that have itineraries—dinner, movies, ice cream; wine tasting followed by picnic in the park. One of the most important things I learned about my adult relationships is how much a friendship can benefit from similar sorts of dates. From a young age, girls start doing things like getting manicures and pedicures and shopping together (which are always fun times). But in addition to the usual suspects, you can suggest grabbing coffee and going to the new museum that just opened up; meeting for a hike followed by mimosas; or picking out new books at the bookstore and taking a walk through a gorgeous neighborhood to discuss your favorite houses. You’ll learn new things about your friend and it makes for great traditions and memories. 
7. Don’t buy “cheap”—or uncomfortable—shoes, no matter how cute they are. 
I’m not saying not to look for sales, but don’t do yourself the disservice of wearing poorly-made shoes. Quality footwear will not only provide more support which is better for your back and body long-term, but you can repair and resole shoes to extend their life so they last for years. There’s also nothing cute about a girl hobbling around in painful shoes like a baby deer.
8. Cherish the lulls in your life—and create them, too. 
Big or small, I’ve learned how important the lulls in life are. I’m the kind of person who can easily feel anxious if I’m not getting something done at all times. But it’s really those periods of repose that fuel my greatest productivity. There are going to be chapters in your life where you’re the busiest you’ve ever been, and there are going to be quieter times that might seem scary at first, but will eventually be what you look back on and wish you’d savored more. Regardless of what’s going on, take at least ten minutes out of your day to do nothing. Meditate, go for a walk, stare at some clouds. Give your mind a moment to process nothing. 
9. Don’t subscribe to age “milestones.” 
Everyone follows a unique timeline, so don’t get caught up in achieving certain goals based on an arbitrary age. The less you worry about when something will happen, it’s likely you’ll learn more from the process of making it happen when it’s right for you. People are going to get engaged, earn promotions, buy houses, have kids, and sometimes these things will happen before you; other times you’ll be the first in your group to do something. So just do you, and be you, because there’s no “right” time to do something except when it feels right to you.
11. Practicing truly active listening will serve all of your relationships. 
Listening is a skill that should be practiced. Most people equate the physical act of sitting silently while someone talks listening, but they aren’t the same. It’s an amazing feeling to truly be heard by someone, and it’s easy to know when someone is paying attention and really taking in what you’re saying. To give someone the gift of listening engenders trust, appreciation, and will help to deepen relationships. Plus, you’ll likely be listened to in return.
16. Remember that uncomfortable feelings are temporary. 
When I first moved to L.A., I didn’t know anyone and felt a bit adrift and out of my element. A very new friend invited me to another friend’s birthday party, and even though it was great to be included, I ended up feeling really sad afterwards. A wise mentor reminded me that what I was feeling was temporary with a capital T. It’s difficult to move to a new place, start a new job, make new friends, etc. It involves growing pains. But feeling out of sorts due to these circumstances is normal, and will pass. It took me a few months to feel like I belonged, but sure enough, when things started to click and I felt more comfortable in my new city and life, I looked back on that memory and realized just how true it was that those feelings had been temporary. 
17. You teach others how you want to be treated through your actions. 
Similar to the boundary lesson, you have to teach others how to respect and treat you by leading by example. Whether in your career, friendships, or romantic relationships, you can’t expect someone to treat you any differently than how your own actions indicate you want to be treated. Remember that actions do speak louder than words when it comes to how others interact with you, so set the bar high and others will follow suit.
Pay attention to what brings you joy, and spend your money there. 
We all have things that bring us genuine joy. For some, it’s getting the newest technology the day it comes out. For others, it’s a blowout once a week, doing hot yoga at a beautiful, well-lit studio, or picking up a fresh lipstick color on the regular. When you do something that leaves you buoyant afterwards, with a lasting feeling of happiness and value added to your life—pay attention to what it is, because your money is best spent there. Life is about choices, from the big to the small. If you could care less about what kind of car you drive, but love trying new restaurants as often as possible, then drive an old car that doesn’t cost much and bask in your restaurant budget. Tune out the noise and pay attention to your preferences. It’s your life, your happiness, and your money—so spend it based on what brings value to you, not what others place value on.  
So what do you think? Any of these stick out to you? Anything you would add? Xx

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Crisp Air and Crunching Leaves | Autumn Tag

Hiya lovely reader! Happy Fall!!! I love this time of year, so what better way to celebrate than with an autumnal tag? Enjoy!

Favorite thing about Autumn?
Everything! The crispness, the fashion, the makeup looks, pumpkin flavored treats, and the beautiful colors in the trees.

Favorite drink? 
Okay, I don't drink coffee so I'm not a "Pumpkin Spice Latte" fanatic. I drink water, and only water. Call me unoriginal or maybe you'll call me original, depends on your "pumpkin spice views" really.

Favorite candle?
For this time of year the candle I love to burn is a s'mores scented one that my friend gave me from Yankee Candle. (I made the mistake of getting on the Yankee Candle website to try and find a link and oh my, they have so many amazing sounding autumnal related candles) I love a lot of the scents that come with this time of year, vanilla, apple cinnamon, spiced pumpkin, I could go on.

Go to moisturizer?
Soap and Glory "The Righteous Butter"! The last two years, my hands have tended to become dryer when the weather starts to get cooler (adult life probz..). I love this moisturizer though, it smells greater and with it being a body butter its thick and leave my hands feeling instantly softer. It's also not super greasy or sticky feeling after applying it, personally I hate feeling like I have lotion on my hands. So overall I would highly recommend this, the packaging is also so cute of course.

Go to colours for the eyes?
Natural and warm tones, champagne, browns, auburns, dark purple for the outer corners.

Favorite outfit to wear?
Skinny jeans, a cozy chunky sweater, black or brown chelsea boots, an army green jacket...perfect!

Favorite place to be?
If it's not to chilly and a sunny day, outside, walking around downtown, looking at cute little shops, hearing the leaves crunch beneath my feet. At night, cozied up in my pajamas, on the couch with a blanket, my laptop or a good movie, and with friends. 
What is your favorite thing about fall? Xx

Saturday, October 3, 2015

It's October 3rd...

Hi lovely reader! It's October 3rd so you know what that means...Happy Mean Girls Day! I feel like pretty much any girl who has been through high school can appreciate the sarcasm and quotableness of this movie. My best friends and I cannot watch this movie and not not quote it for days on end! Mean Girls will always be relevant, no matter what age. I literally could find pics of quotes for the whole movie but I won't do that. Just do yourself a favor and go watch the movie!

Stay fetch lovely readers, stay fetch! Xx

Friday, October 2, 2015

Alessia Cara | Recent Discovery

Hiya lovely reader! Happy Friday and Happy October!! I don't know about you but I am ready to bust out some skinny jeans, cozy sweaters, and ankle boots. The past two days have been a nice taste of what is to come and I getting excited. So, my most recent discovery happened just yesterday, and she has quickly become my current fav. She is a singer by the name of Alessia Cara, she's 19, and her single "Here" is one that you may have heard on the radio recently.

Now, I had heard the song a few times and liked the sound but never really had a chance to listen to the lyrics. Fast forward to yesterday when I get a text from my best friend saying "Hey have you heard the song Here? I can totally relate to it and I think you would too." So of course then I have to look it up and she was right. This song is so spot on for me. I saw some people on Tumblr call it an "Anthem for Introverts"and as a member of that "club" I couldn't agree more.

After loving that song I listened to the rest of her EP "Four Pink Walls" and her sound is killer! She reminds me of a mix of Amy Winehouse with a mix of some modern day singers like Tori Kelley and Ed Sheeran. She also has some awesome covers out on YouTube, the one below being a personal favorite.


So I highly encourage you to check out her music, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram! (her instagram is on point) Are you an Alessia fan? Have you made any recent discoveries? Xx